I S H I K A k h e t a n.
illustrator | concept artist | character designer

Heaven's Executioner (3D)
3D Model sculpted in Blender and rendered with Substance Painter.
Placed within the Chinese Xianxia genre of high fantasy inspired by Taoism, Hún Jiù zhÇ” is a minor God that serves as Heaven's Executioner. He cleanses the sins of mortals by delivering divine retribution. He covers his eyes with a cloth, a symbol of his impartial judgment as the dealer of justice.

â–¸Name: Hún Jiù zhÇ”
(Soul) (savior)
â–¸ Age: Immortal, but looks in his early-to-mid-twenties
â–¸ Sex: M
â–¸ Character Archetype: Sage/ Mentor/ Warrior
â–¸ Species: Minor God
â–¸ Job: Heaven’s Executioner
â–¸ Job Description: Cleanses the sins of mortals and delivers divine retribution. Helps cleansed souls navigate to
the ethers.
â–¸ Affinity: Ice, Water
â–¸ Animal Affinity: Serpent, Owl
â–¸ Weapon: Ice sword, Serpentine sword-whip
â–¸ Personality: - Faithful servant to the Gods
- Dutiful, Detached, Aloof, Icy
- Does not talk much, chooses to remain mute. Prefers to talk telepathically
- Wishes for peace; prepared for chaos. Does not hesitate to deliver the most gruesome of punishments.
- Highly empathetic & sensitive. When ending a being’s life, he often sheds tears and grieves, acknowledging the pain of those being judged that caused them to cause others pain.
- Higher perspective, True neutral. Does not polarise any deeds, only delivers the corresponding karma.
â–¸ Ability: - Receives cosmic information and assignments from his third eye.
- Water cleanses the one judged, and icicles free the soul of the body.
- As the serpentine whip clenches the judged’s heart, their memories and emotions come rushing to him.
â–¸ Weapon: - Serpentine sword-whip: It is a sentient snake that likes to wrap itself around his waist. With an activation spell, the serpent turns into a sword-whip.
â–¸ Character Design:
â–¸ Distinctive Feature: Blind
â–¸ Face: Straight nose, narrow chin, pretty “feminine” face, neutral resting face, thin-lipped, high cheekbones, and high forehead.
â–¸ Body: Average height, long-limbed, pale skin & white hair.
â–¸ Clothing: Mix of Greek toga and Chinese Hanfu/ Xianxia clothing. Does not wears shoes in order to help ground themselves to not let the judged’s emotions control them.

